Nature's Ear
Nature-based Practitioner Working on Wilder Land in the Heart of Devon
Supporting individuals to develop a deeper connection with nature. We work together to use wilder spaces and being in nature as a resource to promote health and wellbeing.
Come and experience a sensory walk around our wilder land . Walks can be tailored to any specific needs.
Living well with tinnitus, a nature based approach. Using evidence and best practice we have developed a tinnitus programme that is grounded in nature.
A project to 'rewild' 16 acres of a Devon valley. In 2011, Hill Crest was sheep-grazed fields with a small wooded stream and mature hedgerows. Now it is a jumble of planted and naturally-regenerating native trees, encroaching thorny scrub and brambles, grass and wildflowers, buzzing with bees, butterflies and other insect life, full of birdsong, and home to mammals, reptiles and amphibians. In time, when the canopy of trees starts to close, new grassy rides and glades will be created, providing the important edge habitat where so many species flourish. One day, it will be a part of an interconnected mosaic of wild land across Devon, allowing nature to once again thrive in all its awe-inspiring diversity and abundance.
Aural Diversity Awareness Training for organisations or small businesses, to help make you better communicators and provide you with some useful tips and tricks to make your business or services more inclusive for people who hear differently- are D/deaf or have a hearing loss.